Social Anxiety Disorder In Teens – Types Of Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder is one of the most common anxiety disorders and a mental health disorder that is seen in many people. It is also referred to as Social Phobia, which means that you have a fear of having to deal with a social condition where you will have to meet and interact with others, especially people who are not familiar to you. 

You might also be not able to do certain activities in public or even in front of a few other people thinking what if you could not complete that or what if you get embarrassed while trying to do that? Social anxiety disorder (SAD) can restrict you from bonding with other members of society, people of your same age group and even making friends and maintaining friendships.

All these can be difficult when you are trying to live a healthy life, especially when you are a teenager. The years between 13 to 19 are the time you learn important things in life and the years that give for the future. Schooling and the beginning of college are the phases in which you have to make decisions with utmost care. 

What Causes Social Anxiety Disorder In Teens?

  • Speech issues

Having issues while speaking, even a mild impediment can make the self-esteem low causing the teenager to avoid being a part of any social situation. 

  • Getting bullied

If a teenager is getting bullied by others who are in the same age group or in different age groups or even by adults, it can make them stay away from getting into contact with others. 

  • Health issues

If the teen has a medical condition that makes their life more difficult they can restrict themselves from going out and meeting others. 

  • Physical conditions

Even a small mole on the face, being shorter or taller than others of their age group can make them not want to mingle with others with fear of unacceptance. 

  • Being shy

Being shy and repeatedly avoiding social conditions can develop SAD

  • Trauma

Facing a traumatic exercise can lead to the development of social anxiety disorder in teens. 

  • Inherence

If any one of the parents or siblings or any other first-degree relative has the condition then the child can inherit it from them. 

Getting Bullied Can Cause Social Anxiety Disorder In Teens

Common Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder In Teens

  • Anxiety to meet people, especially strangers
  • Difficulty in placing an order at a cafe/restaurant
  • Feeling self-conscious when around others
  • Fear of judgement
  • Fear of embarrassment
  • Sweating and shaking in social situations
  • Difficulty to make new friends
  • Uncomfortable when talking to others, even short and normal conversations
  • Blackout 
  • Upset stomach
  • Nausea
  • Breathlessness

Also Read:- Top 8 Social Issues Teens Struggle With Today – How Can You Ensure Their Mental Wellbeing?

Different Types Of Social Anxiety Disorder

There are different types of anxiety but when it comes to social anxiety disorders, it can broadly be classified into three different categories. They are

  1. Mild Social Anxiety Disorder

When it is a mild level of SAD, the person will feel anxiety when in public but will still be able to participate in and get through the situation. They might not be uncomfortable in all kinds of situations. 

  1. Moderate Social Anxiety Disorder

When the SAD is at a moderate level, the symptoms can be more serious than the mild level, they will not be able to get through all kinds of social situations but will be able to tolerate certain social events. 

  1. Extreme Social Anxiety Disorder

People who have this will not be able to get through or even participate in any kind of social situation. When forced into public they might suffer from panic attacks. 

Read More:- Social Media Depression In Teens – What To Know?

The Bottom Line 

Social anxiety disorder is a mental health disorder when the anxiety that builds up in you makes you suffer from social situations. You will feel drained and uncomfortable in such conditions. You might have inherited it. It might develop after a trauma and bad parenting can lead to the child growing up with social anxiety disorder. 

It is essential to accept this and not force people into social conditions when they do not want to. The first thing to do is support them and sometimes the support can be giving them their own space. 


Q. Does social anxiety make you cry?

Having social anxiety can make you cry in certain situations and it is something common in everyone having social anxiety. 

Q. What causes social anxiety in a teenager?

In a teenager social anxiety can be inherent, passed down from a parent. Or they might have learnt it from the way they saw their parents behave in social conditions or from an elder sibling. 

Q. Is shyness the same as social anxiety in the case of a teenager?

No, shyness is when you feel uncomfortable in social situations and it can happen to anyone. It can be overcome by motivation and that is not the case with social anxiety. When someone shy tries to avoid repeatedly it can form social anxiety.

About the Author

Nicole Carter is a dedicated and passionate nutritionist, committed to helping individuals achieve their health and wellness goals through the power of proper nutrition. With a Bachelor's degree in Nutritional Science and years of practical experience.

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