External body parts display essential functions to aid in living a comfortable life, same goes for internal organs, nerves, and lots more. Every activity in the inner human body is not seen with the naked eye, whether a person is healthy or sick centers on how active the organs and nerves in the inner body are. The peripheral nervous system can sometimes have some trauma. This article will explore the causes of these traumas, symptoms, and when to see a doctor.
Understand Peripheral Nerve/Trauma
Peripheral nerves connect the Central Nervous System with other body parts such as the limbs and organs particularly, it serves as a relay for the brain and the spinal cord. The peripheral nerve is clearly seen outside the human brain and the spinal cord and it is not protected by the vertebral column and the skull. Peripheral nerves are made up of axons which are insulated by surrounding tissues.
The Peripheral nerve can have trauma or injuries because they are fragile and are not that strong hence, the need to get traumatized or damaged.
Peripheral nerve trauma refers to the failure or inability of the peripheral nerve to send and process information to the brain. This is often a critical condition that requires immediate attention.
In case you have peripheral nerve trauma and you are not aware, below are symptoms that show what’s happening within your peripheral nerve trauma.
Symptoms Of Peripheral Nerve Trauma
- Autonomic nerve: this helps in controlling activities that are not conscious like heart and thyroid function, breathing, and food digestion. When it is damaged, symptoms include feeling uncomfortable with heat, sweating profusely, blood pressure rise or low, and gastrointestinal problems.
- Sensory nerves: this conveys information relating to pain, temperature, and touch. It comes with various symptoms which are not feeling any pain, keeping balance when eyes are closed, and walking.
- Motor nerves: this controls all muscles when you are in a conscious state of mind which Includes: painful cramps, muscle twitching that cannot be managed, and muscle weakness.
Causes Of Peripheral Nerve Trauma
Peripheral nerve trauma arises as a result of failure to communicate with muscles and organs, below are the causes:
- Accident: nerves can be stretched, crushed, or cut as a result of an accident such as an accidental fall during sports activities. When this happens, it will be necessary to get immediate treatment to avoid a worsening condition.
- Health concern: when you undergo some medical conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, Diabetes, and Guillain-Barre syndrome. This can also lead to damage to the peripheral nerve. Peripheral nerve trauma can be caused by underlying health issues and these will make it difficult for the peripheral nerve to process vital communication to the spinal cord. When faced with health issues, kindly consult a professional.
- Diseases that affect the immune system: this can lead to peripheral nerve trauma. These autoimmune diseases include: rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s, and lupus can alley cause trauma.
- Hormones Imbalance: this is often the case for many women globally. When hormones are not balanced, it can cause or trigger peripheral nerve trauma.
- Tumors: this is also a severe medical case that sometimes becomes cancerous thus causing peripheral nerve trauma.
- Narrowing of arteries: this also can cause peripheral nerve trauma.
When To See A Medical Professional
Peripheral nerve trauma is a serious concern that shouldn’t be taken lightly and not an anyhow medical assistant can decide to give medications or treatments, It has to be done concisely by a professional.
If you observe changes in your body which include numbness in a limb, total body numbness, tingling and weakness.
Treatments Of Peripheral Nerve Trauma
Every problem must have a solution. When dealing with peripheral nerve trauma, if the nerve affected is injured, not cut, the nerve can heal on its own but otherwise will take impossibility in healing and recovery. Doctors will check how severe the trauma is before tendering treatments like:
- Surgery
- Braces or splint
- Electrical stimulator
- Exercise
Peripheral nerve trauma is a serious issue that requires early treatment. When a nerve is not cut, the case is less severe and can heal on its own but if a nerve is cut, it will result in almost nearly impossible recovery. Nerves are very slow in the healing process, don’t spend your time calculating on how slow the healing process is, keep busy with many other things.