Food plays a vital role in human existence just as the air we breathe. But too much or too little of it can ruin our health. Our health is significantly impacted by the food we eat.
Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a good relationship with food in your life, and like any relationship, it requires constant tending. Many researchers now believe that health problems are partly related to our diet. Eating healthy is an important part of staying active and staying fit.
Organic food is getting popular these days as it’s considered safe and for its health benefits. But what exactly qualifies as organic food, what are its benefits, and why is it important for teenagers? Through this article, I set out to answer these questions, as well as offer tips for parents to guide their kids in choosing healthier options.
What Makes Food Organic?
The food produced without the use of synthetic chemicals or genetically modified components is considered organic. However, animal produce can also be considered organic.
For example, here the eggs, dairy, and meat produced from livestock and poultry, are grown and fed organically, without injecting hormones or antibiotics. To prevent diseases these animals could be treated with vaccines.
Why Does It Have A Higher Demand?
The organic food industry is booming worldwide. People often choose organic products over others due to the concern about the health and environmental effects of pesticides and chemical fertilizers and about the adverse effects of ingesting meat from animals treated with antibiotics and steroids which have proven records of deteriorating growth and development.
What Are The Benefits Of Organic Food?
Organic food offers a variety of health and environmental benefits. Organic farms are subject to stricter codes and operating procedures than conventional farms. Let us look at it one by one.
➡️Nutritional content
Studies show that organic food includes more nutrients, including more antioxidants in fruits and vegetables compared to their conventionally grown counterparts.
➡️Fewer pesticides
In conventional cultivation, chemicals such as synthetic insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and many others are used. However, by eating organic, you avoid these.
➡️Environmentally sustainable
Organic farming practices may reduce pollution, conserve water, and use less energy than non-organic farming methods. Also, by avoiding the usage of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, it creates a better environment for the living creatures and people living nearby and also emits fewer greenhouse gases.
➡️Better treatment of animals
Farmers practicing organic farming meet certain requirements in their treatment of livestock animals. Here the livestock must have year-round access to the outdoors, clean and dry bedding, shade, shelter, and clean drinking water. They cannot be raised on factory farms, and in crowded and inhumane conditions.
➡️Fresher food
Organic produce is generally considered fresher compared to other products. And they often last longer as it doesn’t contain preservatives. Organic fruits and vegetables are typically sold closer to where they are grown. This allows the inflow of money directly to the farmers.
Why Is Eating Organic Food Important For Teens?
Adolescence is a vulnerable life phase. There is often a dramatic increase in energy and development during this time. They need extra nutrition to fuel these accelerated changes, which also means they need to eat healthy food.
Scientists say poor eating habits which are formed during adolescence can lead to obesity and diet-related diseases in later years. In addition, the over-dependence on junk and processed food can contribute to nutritional inadequacies and the development of eating disorders.
Establishing and maintaining healthy eating behaviors during childhood and adolescence can help to prevent the occurrence of diet-related diseases.
For adolescents, nutrient-dense options should be made available such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. The use of synthetic chemicals and pesticides is reported to affect the performance of kids and even cause ADHD in kids.
Switching to an organic diet can get rid of the issue. Nutrients like Omega-3 and several antioxidants are available in organic food which is highly recommended for a child’s brain health and immunity.
As parents, we should develop healthy eating habits and a natural inclination for good-for-you foods to establish long-term good eating habits. Making organic food options available and accessible to your teen can allow them to develop the skills to learn their benefits.
And it is also highly beneficial for those sensitive to toxin exposure, choosing organic food may help to mediate unpleasant symptoms. Parents can trust their kids’ health while depending on organic products.
Owing to the factor that organic food has more benefits than processed and conventional food products, suggests that it’s ideal to choose organic foods. We have seen how organic food can be helpful to teenagers and how important it is for growth and development during puberty. Nevertheless, teens need to be educated regarding their health and wellness.
Read More: Dietary Tips For Teens With Cystic Fibrosis – Meeting The Nutritional Demands!
Inviting them to investigate the pros and cons of organic eating can be a great way to ease them into discussions about their nutritional needs and help them lead healthy life. As organic food is considered healthy and clean, I strongly believe that it should be included in not just the diet of teenagers but also adults. Eating healthy can make us stay healthy.