Often, when we discuss testosterone, we think of men. The reason for this is that men produce a greater concentration of this hormone than women. Despite the fact that the amounts of testosterone in the bodies of men and women are different, the hormone serves the same purpose in both. Maintaining optimal levels of testosterone is important since variations in its levels can have a substantial impact on a number of body functions. Continue reading to learn more about testosterone, how to balance it for a healthy life, and what amounts are best for both genders.
An Overview Of Testosterone And Its Functions
Testosterone is basically the sex hormone that affects the health of both men and women. In men, this hormone is produced in the testicles, whereas in women, ovaries, fat cells, skin cells, and adrenal glands are responsible for the production.
The hormone regulates body mass, bone density, reproduction system, mood, and other physical development. It is important for your body to produce ideal levels of testosterone as it can affect both mental and physical health.
Ideal Levels Of Testosterone In Men And Women
For Men:
Levels of testosterone in men vary according to different stages or ages of life. Since it is a primary sex hormone, the ideal range is between 270 to 1070 ng/dL (nanograms or deciliter) in a fully grown-up man. As men age, their testosterone levels start to decline. The production of testosterone is higher in young adults rather than in middle-aged or older men. There are various ways to maintain the level of the hormone, and having a well-balanced diet plays a vital role in it.
For Women:
Although the concentration of testosterone is relatively lower in women as compared to men, it is crucial for their body. If we talk about the ideal level of testosterone in women, then it should range between 15 to 70 ng/dL. Because women have to go through menstrual cycles every month, these levels are very likely to fluctuate. In women, if the levels of the hormone are maintained, it infuses sexual desires, bone health, and other well-being.
Sometimes, the levels of testosterone may get higher in women, which is not good for them as it can cause acne, excessive hair growth, and also affect their menstrual cycle.
What Happens If Testosterone Level Is Low?
There are several factors and unhealthy lifestyles that are responsible for the low production of testosterone in both men and women. Both lower and higher hormone levels can have a negative effect on the male and female body. Let us look at some causes and symptoms so that you can be careful if you have any of these habits and symptoms.
Causes And Symptoms Of Low Testerone
- Drinking too much alcohol can affect the production of hormones.
- Unhealthy eating habits and malnutrition.
- Staying awake too late or lack of sleep.
- Growing old can affect testosterone levels.
- If you have received treatment for uterus or cancer.
- Not maintaining the weight of the body.
- Excessive smoking can cause low production of testosterone.
- Decreased sex desire in women and erectile problems in males.
- You may lose interest in eating.
- Frequent change in mood, getting irritated, and aggressive without any matter.
- Improper functioning of the ovary.
- Umtimly occurrence of the menstrual cycle or missing periods for months.
- Women may face issues getting pregnant, while sperm count in men may decrease.
Useful Tips To Prevent Low Testosterone
- You must maintain proper eating habit, i.e. eat three meals a day that includes fruits and vegetables that are responsible for helping in the production of testosterone.
- Take complete sleep of 7-8 hours so that your body can properly digest the food and organs may function in the desired manner.
- Limit the consumption of alcohol and quit smoking.
- Do regular exercise and indulge in activities that require your body to move.
- Maintain your weight according to your age.
- Take medicines if recommended by your doctor.
In conclusion, once you understand the functions, required levels, and how to maintain testosterone, you can stay healthy for a long period of time. If you have any habits that are coming in the way of proper production of hormones, then it is advisable to quit them as soon as possible. Also, if your condition worsens even after taking effective measures, visit the doctor for timely treatment.